The Sherwood School District Board of Directors has approved a resolution to add a proposed local option levy to the May 16, 2023 election ballot, at a rate of $1.50 per $1000 of assessed value.
Why is the District Proposing this Local Option Levy?
Teachers and instructional staff are the front line of teaching and learning in Sherwood schools. Maintaining adequate staffing levels is vital to the ability to educate, grow, and develop Sherwood students in classrooms and in extracurricular activities.
The Sherwood School District estimates a budget shortfall of up to $7 million* for the 2023-24 school year, leaving the District unable to maintain current services and programs. A $7 million budget reduction is equivalent to eliminating approximately 50 teacher and staff positions and 10 school days.
*Reduction estimate based on Governor’s Budget proposal for a $9.9 billion State School Fund appropriation (as of March 2023)
If Passed, What Would the Levy Fund?
The proposed Levy would raise $6.5 million annually and if passed would:
- Retain teachers and staff at all schools
- Maintain existing class sizes (Elementary 23:1, Middle 27:1, High School 31:1)
- Maintain extracurricular programs in fine arts and athletics
- Support course offerings in Career-Technical Education and Advanced Placement courses
Costs and Oversight
If passed, the proposed measure would raise approximately $6.5 million in the 2023-24 school year, at a rate estimated not to exceed $1.50 per $1,000 of taxable assessed value within the district for five years.
Local option levy funding, and all district finances and expenditures, are subject to accountability measures including regular audits and School Board and citizen Budget Committee oversight to ensure funds are used as intended.
Additional information and updates about the levy will be posted to this page as they become available.
Local Option Levy Calculator
- Locate your property tax statement issued by the county assessor, using the link below for your county of residence.
- Washington County Residents – Click here and enter your property information in “Property Search” at the top of page. Once you are on the details page for your property, click the Bills link to go to your statements. Select your most recent Tax Year, and the pdf of your statement will open.
- Yamhill County Residents – Click here and enter your address details in “Property Address Search.”
- Clackamas County Residents – Click here, select tax year, and then enter either your parcel number or address.
- Enter the information from your statement into the corresponding boxes in the calculator (see sample below).
- Your estimated tax amount is the amount at the bottom of the calculator in yellow.

Frequently Asked Questions (Updated March 17, 2023)
How much money will the proposed education levy raise for the District?
The education levy, if passed, is expected to raise $6.5 million for the 2023-24 school year (next school year).
What will the funds from the proposed education levy be spent on?
If passed, levy funds would prevent reductions to teaching and staff positions; maintain current average class sizes; maintain extracurricular and athletics programs; support Career and Technical Education and Advanced Placement courses; and avoid the loss of instructional time through potential furlough days.
When will the District receive the funds from the proposed education levy, if passed?
If passed, the District would begin receiving levy funds as soon as the 2023-24 school year.
How long will the proposed education levy last?
The proposed levy on the May 2023 ballot has a five-year period if approved, and would take effect in the 2023-24 school year. Voter approval prior to the 2028-29 school year would be required for levy renewal at the end of the five-year period.
How much would the proposed education levy cost property owners?
The proposed levy would cost property owners a maximum tax rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value per year. The owner of a property with a median assessed value of $280,000 would pay $35 per month. Property owners can check their personal tax obligation using the Local Option Levy Calculator located above.
What accountability measures would be in place to ensure levy funds were used appropriately and managed correctly by the District?
Funds collected from the proposed education levy would be placed in a sub-account, and a citizen Budget Committee and School Board oversight will monitor expenditures to verify that funds are used as approved by voters. No levy funds will be spent for administration, and performance auditing of district programs will be completed regularly.
Would businesses also pay the proposed education levy tax on commercial properties?
Yes, businesses with commercial properties would also be subject to the levy tax, if passed.
What is the difference between a bond and a levy?
Please click here for more information on the differences between a bond and a levy.
How does per-student revenue in Sherwood without the proposed levy compare to other districts?
The graph below shows per-student revenue for Sherwood and other surrounding districts. Revenue included in the graph represents both general funds and grant funds that can be used for general operations (such as hiring teachers, bus drivers, instructional assistants, etc.). For those districts with existing levies, the green portion of the bars demonstrates the additional funding provided by their levy.

I have questions or concerns about the District’s 2022-23 budget. Where do I find that information?
For information about the current year budget and financial status of the District, please click here to visit the Budget Update webpage.
Levy Town Hall Meetings/Facebook Live Events
Have more questions? Attend or tune into one of our Town Hall Meetings:
- Monday, May 1 – 6:00-6:45pm Facebook Live Town Hall on the SSD Facebook Page
- Monday, May 8 – 6:00-6:45pm Facebook Live Town Hall on the SSD Facebook Page
- Friday, May 12 – 9:00-10:30am at the Sherwood Police Department Community Room

Board of Directors Meetings/Presentations
On January 4, the Board of Directors received information from consultants at Piper Sandler on the topic of local option levies and general obligation bonds. To view that information, please see the links below.
On January 18, the Board of Directors received an update on the topic of the education levy from Superintendent Jeremy Lyon and Chief Financial Officer Gary Bennett. To view that information, please see the links below.
On February 1, the Board of Directors met in a special work session to review potential levy rates. To view that information, please see the links below.
On February 8, the Board of Directors voted to approve the education levy for the May 16, 2023 local election ballot. To view that information, please see the links below (levy discussion begins at approximately 41:45 mark in video).