Sherwood School District has enlisted the support of Ms. Karina Ruiz of Dull Olson Weekes-IBI Group Architects, Inc., and Mr. Rick Rainone of Cornerstone Management, Inc. These two experts, in the fields of facilities planning and bond processes, respectively, are helping to lead the District through exploration of what a bond could mean for Sherwood Schools and how to engage our stakeholders in the process as much as possible. It is important to us that we partner with our community, staff and parents, as the dilemma we find ourselves in affects our shared, most valued interest – the students we serve.
As one of the first steps in bond planning, we needed to convene representatives throughout the District in a steering committee that would provide in-depth analysis of data, provide a voice for the needs of all buildings, incorporate the input gathered from stakeholders, and design appropriate documents and presentations that would illustrate the needs of the District to the Board and all of the staff and community we serve.
The members of our 11-member Bond Steering Committee include: a principal from each level (elementary, middle, high); directors from multiple departments including Technology, Support Services, Teaching & Learning; the Superintendent; two Board members; and consultants Ruiz and Rainone.
The first series of meetings for the Steering Committee were held from February 16-March 1. They evaluated each building in detail to determine the features – structural and programmatic – that each needs to reach the standards of excellence we hope to reach District-wide.
As of March 1, the Bond Steering Committee created a subcommittee to collect additional data/research in order to inform the next phase of inquiry that will be brought before the Bond Steering Committee. Stay tuned for more information to come!