Exclusion Information

Exclusion Day for this school year is Wednesday, February 19, 2025, for children who are not up-to-date on their vaccines.

Individuals can see their health care provider, go to their school-based health center, or you may contact the Washington County Health Department to find other vaccination location options.

2024-25 Immunization Requirements (English, Español and other languages)


Washington County Immunization Resources

Tigard School-Based Health Center

Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays

8:00 AM to 4:30

Closed for lunch 12:00 – 12:30

Please call to make an appointment.

For more information and scheduling: 503-431-5775

Learn More at https://www.ttsdschools.org/Page/1114


Tualatin Neighborhood Health Center

Located on the Tualatin High School Campus

Open Monday – Friday

8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Closed 12:00 to 12:30 for Lunch

For more information and scheduling: 503-941-3180

Learn more at https://www.ttsdschools.org/domain/63

NUNM Health Center

The National University of Natural Medicine also participates in the Vaccines for Children program. The vaccines are free, but the patient is asked to cover the administration fees: $20 for the first vaccine, $10 for each additional vaccine (must all be at the same visit).

By law, the fees will be waived if a patient is unable to pay. For more information: Click here. 
For more information or an appointment call:

  • English: 503-552-1551
  • Español: 503-552-1502

NUNM: National University of Natural Medicine Lair Hill
3025 S Corbett Ave.
Portland, OR 97201

Vaccines for Children Program

Providence Medical Group in Sherwood participates in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Federal program. Vaccines are free of charge for children that have State insurance (Oregon Health Plan), no insurance, or are underinsured (health plans that do not cover vaccines). The only charge to the patient would be a $21 administration fee for each vaccine. Providence requires the patient to have an office visit with one of the Providence Physicians, which they would be billed for. Providence has Financial Aid available. Providence will not turn anyone away due to low income or no insurance. You may contact Providence Medical Group at 503-216-9690 (ask for Laura Jackson, Nursing Supervisor) for questions about the Vaccines for Children program.


Medical Exemptions

Nonmedical Exemptions

How to Claim a New Nonmedical Exemption to the Immunization Requirements in Oregon (formerly called “Religious Exemption Law”)


Immunization and Exemption Rates