Oregon’s Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) currently includes summative tests administered annually by subject matter and grade. Pursuant to federal and state accountability requirements, Oregon public schools test students in English language arts and math in grades 3 through 8 & 11 and science in grades 5, 8, & 11. Additional required assessments include an English language proficiency assessment for English learners (ELs) and the Oregon Extended Assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Understanding Student Assessment
The Oregon Department of Education provides a variety of resources to help all stakeholders better understand the purpose and importance of student assessment. We encourage our students and families to explore the resources below to learn more about student assessment.
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The above link is also available in the following additional languages (click selection to view):
- Spanish
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Vietnamese
- Russian
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- French
- Tagalog
- Japanese
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- Arabic
- Somali
How are Student Assessment Results Used?
Assessments provide results that are used to inform a broad range of decisions at the classroom, district, and state levels:
- Students and their parents use assessment results to check mastery of key learning targets
- Teachers and administrators use summative assessment results to review learning patterns annually, to determine systems-level changes that might be required from year-to-year
- State and local leaders use summative assessment results to make important policy decisions, like where and how to invest in Oregon schools and how to hold schools accountable for the outcomes of those investments
- Scores on the Oregon Statewide Summative Assessment in high school may quality a student to be exempt from developmental courses in mathematics and English at the seven public universities in Oregon, including:
- Eastern Oregon University
- Oregon Tech
- Oregon State University
- Portland State University
- Southern Oregon University
- University of Oregon
- Western Oregon University
Oregon’s Required Assessments
While the previous Kindergarten assessment is not currently required, the Oregon Department of Education is piloting a potential new process to assess early learners in future years. Sherwood School District is not a part of that pilot this year. For more information, please visit the link below:
2023-24 Annual Notice for Statewide Testing
Please click on your preferred language below to review this year’s annual state testing notice: