for Talented and Gifted Services
Process Overview
Students may be referred for a TAG evidence evaluation through multiple pathways: Referral from a Universal Screener; Referral from Quantitative Data (Local performance assessments, demonstrated pattern of need for differentiated instruction); Referral from Qualitative Data (Work Samples, Observations, Characteristics and/or Profile of Giftedness), Parent or Self Referral.
Upon referral, the parent/guardian is notified of parental rights and written permission is obtained to begin the TAG identification evaluation process which includes a collection of both qualitative and quantitative data to form a comprehensive Body of Evidence. No individual piece of evidence will qualify or disqualify a student for a TAG identification.
Students may be identified as Intellectually Gifted, Academically Talented in Reading or Academically Talented in Math.
Identification Timeline
The TAG Identification process begins in the Fall of each school year and continues throughout the year. All decisions for identification are made by members of the TAG Eligibility Team most often comprised of the K-12 TAG Coordinator, building principal or associate principal, and the building instructional Coach. It may also include classroom teachers, learning specialist, ELD specialist, counselor, school psychologist as applicable.
Parents are notified in writing of identification decisions.