Effective Monday, March 30, please note the following updates for Sherwood School District services available to students and families during our school closure:
Nutrition Services will continue to operate food distribution hubs at Hopkins Elementary and Edy Ridge Elementary daily. The new schedule for food distribution, starting Monday, March 30, will be 8:30-11:00am at both locations. You can pick up both breakfast and lunch in one stop during this time.
Meals will be pick-up only (no students will remain on campus to eat). At Hopkins, pick-up will happen at the cafeteria entrance — please look for the pop-up canopies. At Edy Ridge, pick-up will happen at the front entrance.
Champions will continue to provide a source of childcare during the closure. This program is open to all Sherwood Students age 5-12, whose families have emergency care needs (healthcare workers, first responders, no backup care available).
Schedule: Monday-Friday (closed Saturday/Sunday)
Time: 7:30am-5:30pm
Location: Hopkins Elementary multi-purpose room
Cost: $39/day
Single serve snacks will be provided; please plan to bring a sack lunch
Pre-registration is required. To register, please complete the form available at: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/a02ebf68ea3b42e4bf73bc69a6d64a7d
For more information about emergency childcare options, please call 211 by phone, or visit https://oregonearlylearning.com/COVID-19-Resources/For-Families
For more information about services available from the SHARE Center, please visit our website at http://www.sherwood.k12.or.us/departments/special-programs/share-center